Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 10/27/24

Year: 2024

Esteemed scientists,

Anadolu University Journal of Education (AUJEF) is a quarterly open-access peer-reviewed journal that is published electronically in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training. The journal aims to contribute to the academic culture by sharing research, knowledge, and approaches in Educational Sciences and Teacher Training. Undoubtedly, the most significant contribution to this goal would come from esteemed researchers like yourself. The fact that the quality of academic studies is monitored as well as their quantity increases the value of scientific studies. For this purpose, the dedication and efforts of the reviewers of our journal are of great significance and importance for us. The devoted efforts and contributions would highly contribute to the journal's status on national and international platforms.

Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) is an international academic and scientific journal published four times in a year, namely January, April, July, and October. Besides, the journal has the right to publish additional issues in special circumstances. In the journal, all types of scientific studies (translation, critique, evaluation, examination, etc.) in the field of education will be welcomed. In this regard, studies that are prepared with a scientific approach related to educational sciences, teacher education, education, and instruction will be published in AUJEF. Besides, AUJEF is also interested in studies which are about: 

  • Qualitative studies
  • Etnographic, historical, phenomenological, case studies, action research, etc.
  • Quantitative studies
  • Mixed methods research
  • Articles introducing a viewpoint
  • Perspectives on policies
  • Critical literature reviews
  • Book reviews

Respected Researcher,

In order to speed up the publication process, AUJEF offers a web-based uploading and referee reviewing system. You can log in or create an account using the link on the homepage and see the status of your article through this system. Notifications will be sent to the e-mail address you use to log in the system. Therefore, make sure that you have written your e-mail address correctly.

You should upload your articles to the system in a way that is congruent with AUJEF writing template and writing guidelines:

Click here for the template file.

Click here for the book review guidelines file.

Click here for the title page file.

Click here for the author contribution statement form.

Guidelines for manuscripts are stated below:

1. Manuscripts should be written in MS Office Word, in A4 (21x29.5 cm) format, using Times New Roman 11 font size, justified style, 15nk interlinear space and 2,5 cm space in all margins. Standart page length is between 20 and 25 pages; however, AUJEF might publish longer manuscripts depending on the decision of the publication board. Manuscripts should be written in accordance with the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

2. AUJEF has a double blind peer review policy. Therefore, the name(s) or the institution(s) should never be stated anywhere on the manuscript. Author notes should be written on the title page.

3. Each manuscript should have an informative and intelligible abstract consisting of 200-250 words and written in 10 font size. Abstract should explain the important information about the aim, method, findings, conclusion and inferences of the study. Below the abstract, there should be 3-5 keywords written.

4. Manuscripts should include an extensive literature review, aim of the study, research questions, participants, data collection tools and materials that are used, data analysis, findings, comments, conclusion, discussion and suggestions. References should be written on a new blank page and the instructions of the Americal Psychological Association (APA) regarding publication format should be followed. 

5. Manuscripts should be checked in terms of the congruence between the in-text references and reference list. Full references should be listed at the end of the article alphabetically.

6. Appendixes and acknowledgement should be written before the reference list and after the main body of the manuscript.

7. If the manuscript is written in Turkish, French or German, an extended abstract in English between 800-850 words should be included at the end of the manuscript.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) is a quarterly academic journal published by the Faculty of Education, at Anadolu University located in Eskisehir, TURKEY. At AUJEF, we attach high importance to the integrity of our academic content, publication ethics and process as well as maintaining authors’ research integrity. We also do our best to follow the guidelines and resources provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to reach and maintain international publication standards.
This section outlines our basic principles that we apply to our journal, which we believe will be useful for researchers and authors who wish to publish their articles in our journal.

Editorial Board and Editorial Process
AUJEF works with experts from a wide range of areas in the context of educational sciences. These experts compose the body of our management board, advisory board and editorial board. These boards are also responsible for recommending, contacting, assigning reviewers, or approving the final version of the manuscripts before they are published. Manuscripts that are submitted for evaluation go under rigorous initial screening for compliance with our publication ethics and malpractice statement under the supervision of the Chief Editor. A list of our other editorial board members can be found here.
AUJEF never discriminates against authors, editors or peer reviewers based on personal characteristics or identity. On the contrary, embeds diversity and promotes equity at every stage of evaluation and publication. Additionally, AUJEF never tolerates inappropriate behavior or correspondence towards its staff. If this is the case, AUJEF holds the right to act to protect others from this abuse, which includes withdrawal of a manuscript from consideration. If AUJEF identifies malpractice in the manuscripts submitted or articles published, the management board and the editorial board will deal with the issue immediately and can take action including withdrawal, retraction or correction.
The Management Board takes good publication practices seriously and follows the guidelines provided by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on publication ethics such as peer reviews, ethical guidelines for peer reviewing, and editing peer reviews. Basically, these good practices may include editorial board participation, edition of peer reviews, managing the relationship between the reviewers, authors and/or editorial board members, sharing of information among editors-in-chief regarding possible misconduct, authorship disputes, ethical editing, and retraction.

Authors and Authors Responsibilities
For the authors, AUJEF, where no other guidance is specified, recommends applying the following principles before they submit their manuscripts.
• AUJEF does not charge any article submission, editorial processing, article publication (page or color), or subscription charges, which means that upon reviewers’ positive evaluation and approval, all the accepted manuscripts are published without any charges.
• Any person who contributed to the conduct of the research and/or its manuscript including the design of the research, acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work, drafting or revising it critically, or final revision should be listed as an author. Authors’ names and surnames, affiliations, e-mail addresses, ORCIDs must be clearly stated as footnotes if their manuscript is accepted and approved for publication.
• The corresponding author is responsible for manuscript correction and proofreading, agreeing to and signing the Author Publishing Agreement, Author Contribution Form, and Author Contact Form on behalf of relevant co-authors and/or arranging for any third-party copyright owners’ signature, and acting on behalf of all co-authors in responding to queries from all sources post-publication.
• All the authors must participate in peer review process after they receive feedback from the reviewers; declare they contributed to the research; provide retractions or corrections of mistakes in five days when their article is published; and must provide a list of references, financial support, and statement of conflict of interest.
• Authors cannot publish the same research in more than one journal, thus they must declare that their articles are original and have not been published previously or are not under consideration of publication elsewhere.
• For research including animals and/or human participants, an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate must be obtained and then uploaded to the manuscript submission system as a supplementary file. In addition, it must be stated on the first page of the article that ethics committee approval was obtained as a footnote. In the method section of the study, it must be clearly presented from which institution, on which date, and with which decision or which issue number the approval was obtained.
Authors have the right to complain about any issue or stage of the evaluation or publication, including reviewer bias and competitive harmful acts by reviewers, directly to the Chief Editor. If this is required, the author(s) should include the details of their complaint and provide evidence to solve the dispute in a short time and effectively.

Peer Review Process
AUJEF adopts a double-blind peer review system in which the reviewers do not know each other's name and any other detail. Similarly, the reviewers and authors do not know each other's name or any other detail. Peer review process is completed in 7 steps detailed below.
1. Authors upload their manuscript using the MS Word template with their plagiarism report through DergiPark system.
2. The assigned editor reviews the manuscript and the plagiarism report, and s/he does a second plagiarism analysis with Turnitin or IThenticate software.
3. If the similarity rate is within the range stated by the journal (20% max.), the manuscript is examined by the editorial board in terms of its suitability for the journal's scope. If the manuscript is suitable for the journal’s scope, then the manuscript is examined in terms of writing rules of the journal. If the manuscript does not comply with the writing rules, it is sent back to the authors for correction. After the authors make the relevant corrections, they upload the manuscript to the system. After the positive results of these stages, the blind review starts.
4. Three different reviewers are assigned through the system depending on the subject of their study fields. The reviewers evaluate the research in 15 days. This period can be extended for another 15 days, if necessary. New reviewers are assigned to replace the referees who do not complete their evaluation in 30 days.
5. In the review process, the reviewer evaluation form containing the reviewer’s feedback and the manuscript file with the feedback of the reviewer are sent back to the authors. The author is given 15 days for revision. The revised manuscript form that the authors prepare is forwarded to the reviewers for second evaluation, if required. This process continues until the reviewers make their final decision.
6. The final decisions of the reviewers are evaluated by the editorial board. If the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to the page-setting and then assigned to the relevant issue. At the time of publication of the relevant issue, the accepted manuscript is published online on DergiPark system. If the research is rejected, it is sent back to the author/s with the reasons of rejection.
7. Manuscripts can only be published with the decision of editorial board and at least two referees reporting positive opinions.
AUJEF provides its reviewers with an appropriate manuscript management system (DergiPark) that provides help and support to facilitate the review process.
Reviewers are responsible for maintaining an objective evaluation process and they should not have any conflict of interest. Additionally, they are expected to improve the quality of the manuscripts by recommending relevant published work (maybe not yet cited). It is also the responsibility of the editor of the manuscript and the reviewers to treat the assigned manuscript confidentially before publication. Reviewers can also complain about any research issue that they identify including plagiarism, duplicate or concurrent publication, research errors, research standard violations, and undisclosed conflicts of interest directly to the Chief Editor. If this is required, the reviewer(s) should include the details of their complaint and provide evidence to solve the dispute in a short time and effectively.

Publication Ethics
AUJEF editors take serious measures to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and thus they do not encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. If AUJEF editors identify or have grounds for suspecting research misconduct, they will deal with allegations appropriately. AUJEF and its editors are always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
Authors have the right to request withdrawal, retraction or correction(s) of their articles any time before they are published. However, they can only request retractions or corrections of their articles in five days after their article is published in an issue. Otherwise, they will have to write a correction notice, which will be published in the next issue. Withdrawal is possible at any stage before publication.
AUJEF never tolerates plagiarism and self-plagiarism; and has the right to check all submissions using tools such as Turnitin and Ithenticate. AUJEF accepts manuscripts up to a maximum similarity rate of 20%. Except for exceptional cases, this limit cannot be exceeded, and any submitted article that has a higher rate of similarity mentioned here will be rejected.

Copyright and Access
Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions, but they are responsible for the content of their article published in the journal. Authors also grant AUJEF non-exclusive first publishing rights to publish their articles.
Authors confirm that their articles' content does not bind the owner, editor, co-editors, or advisory board members of AUJEF.
Authors declare that their articles are original and have not been published previously or are not under consideration of publication elsewhere.
AUJEF is a fully open-access journal and it provides free and unlimited access to the articles that it publishes without any form of restriction, subscription, or requirement. This benefit results in higher visibility, readership and citation. An open-access policy also helps disseminate knowledge as widely as possible. Based on its open-access policy, the journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose. Thus, AUJEF lets researchers remix, adapt, and build upon the articles published on its website non-commercially, as long as they credit AUJEF and license their new work under identical terms. All the articles published on the AUJEF website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA). Because of its open-access policy, AUJEF does not allow others to commercially share the articles that it publishes.

AUJEF uses DergiPark hosting services and editorial workflow management system provided by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. DergiPark system saves each document and manuscript uploaded to the system electronically. Additionally, the editors who are assigned to manage the workflow of manuscripts are individually responsible for saving and backups, which is supervised by the Chief Editor. In the event that AUJEF starts to use a different hosting service and an editorial workflow management system, all the backups will be transferred to that system and access to the new website will be preserved.

Ownership and Management
AUJEF is published by the Faculty of Education, Anadolu University, which is a state university in Eskişehir/Turkey.
The Rector, Prof. Dr. Fuat ERDAL, owns the journal. The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hatice Ferhan ODABAŞI acts as the publishing supervisor, and the Chief Editor Asst. Prof. Dr. Müyesser CEYLAN is responsible for coordinating all the management and editorial processes.
For more detailed information about the Management Board and Editorial Board, please click here.

The Website
AUJEF is hosted, managed and published electronically on https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/aujef. On this website, researchers and readers can reach the archive of previous issues and other useful information regarding journal info, editorial processes, and publication.
AUJEF Management Board editors do their best to ensure high ethical and professional standards and keep the website up-to-date.

Publishing Schedule
(AUJEF) is a quarterly electronic academic journal published in January, April, July, and October.

Name of the Journal
Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, in Turkish), AUJEF, is published with ISSN: 2602-2249 e-ISSN: 2602-2249.

Article submission fees: None
Editorial processing fees: None
Article processing fees: None
Publishing fees: None
Subscription fees: None

Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF)
Phone:  +902223350580-3550      E-mail: aujef@anadolu.edu.tr
Website:   https://aujef.anadolu.edu.tr/

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